pondělí 25. října 2010

RhinoParametrics 1.2

RhinoParametrics 1.2 - nová verze.

Tento servisní balíček je pro stávající zákazníky bezplatný. Podívejte se také na nové prezentace a videa.


1 komentář:

kolson řekl(a)...

The review comments for a grant seminar on research findings are based on the seminar's clarity, relevance to grant objectives, depth of analysis, methodology rigor, stakeholder engagement, innovation, recommendations for future work, presentation style and delivery, accessibility and inclusivity, and overall impact. The seminar effectively demonstrated the alignment of research outcomes with grant objectives, but more in-depth analysis and discussion could have improved understanding and engagement. The presenter effectively highlighted avenues for future research and potential applications of the findings, and consideration should be given to ensuring accessibility and inclusivity in future seminars.
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