pondělí 12. prosince 2011

Nová kniha: FORM FOLLOWS DIGITALISM - Digitale Formfindung

Tato kniha (v němčině) od Patrika Vogela se věnuje digitálnímu hledání forem pomocí Rhina a Grasshopper. Ryhle vysvětlí software a zobrazí mnoho výsledků jeho experimentálních prací.
Podrobnosti, náhled a objednání (v němčině)...

2 komentáře:

emily řekl(a)...

This site known for its ability to create and edit complex models accurately, using an intuitive user interface. Rhino is especially valued in fields such as jewelry, product design, and digital manufacturing. Additionally, it offers support for a variety of file formats and tools for customizing workflows, making it a versatile tool for designing and creating 3D models.
carnal knowledge of a juvenile
carnal knowledge of juvenile

James Watts řekl(a)...

This book by Patrik Vogel on digital form exploration using Rhino and Grasshopper sounds fascinating! It’s great to see innovative software being highlighted. Just like in poptropica, where players must solve puzzles to advance, understanding these tools requires creativity and experimentation. I’m curious about how Vogel integrates these concepts in his work.