Rozvrh chystaných školení na Grasshopper a Rhinoscript v McNeel Europe:
Registrační poplatek na každý z kurzů je 795 Euro, pro studenty a učitele 50% sleva. Počet účastníků je omezen na 8. Registrujte se co nejdříve zde nebo kontaktujte Rodriga Bárcenu.
Chcete být informováni o nadcházejících akcích s tematikou Grasshopperu, o workshopech a o návodech? Pokud ano, připojte se ke komunitě Grasshopperu.
Je pro vás Grasshopper novinkou? Navštivte galerii a podívejte se na příklady!
2 komentáře:
Grasshopper and Rhinoscript are powerful tools for parametric design, making complex modeling much more accessible. If you're feeling overwhelmed with your coursework, consider seeking help to Do my assignment related to these programs. Getting assistance can enhance your understanding and improve your project outcomes!
Explore advanced skills in Grasshopper and Rhinoscript with McNeel Europe's upcoming courses. From February 8-10, delve into Grasshopper Advanced, followed by Rhinoscript from March 1-3. Registration is €795, with a 50% discount for students and teachers. Limited to 8 participants, sign up quickly! While honing your design skills, take a break with the engaging Snow Rider 3D game for some fun!